Monday, April 19, 2010

"So long" Psycho

Throughout the film, Captain Von Trapp changes a great deal on two levels. As a father he changes, and as an Austrian he changes.

When Maria arrives at the Von Trapp house, Captain runs a tight ship. Since the death of his wife, and his children's mother, everything has been discipline, discipline, discipline. I was taken aback by captain Von Trapps line to the Baroness, " You have brought the only source of meaning in to my life." Out loud my reaction was "What about your kids you dummy?!" Mr. Kannan quickly jumped in with an explanation. As a reflection of the times, Captain Von Trapp saw his children as responsibilities. However, when Maria comes, bringing a strong headed opinion, and the sound of music with her, things begin to change. The Captain comes back from his visit to the Baroness, to be greeted by a "new family." A family of happy singing, tree-climbing, children dressed in drapes. Though at first he refuses to allow the new changes to be, when he hears the singing, his mind is quickly changed. I believe that as he sings Eidleweiss with his children, Captain Von Trapp becomes the man he once was. He leaves the ideas of a strict society of responsibilities, to be a little bit more free-minded, like Maria.

As an Austrian with strong political beliefs, Captain Von Trapp also changes. A large issue presented in The Sound of Music is that of the Nazi party. A Germany lead by Hitler was looking to take over all of Europe. Captain Von Trapp was one of the few who wanted to be Austrian while he was supposed to be German. Even friends attending his party, made hushed comments on the obvious display of the Austrian flag. In the end, Captain Von Trapp realizes that he can't beat Hitler. The nation had conformed, and left as a lonely non-conformist, he had no chance. Instead of conforming, which would obviously be the easy way out, he left. Von Trapp left Austria, the country that he loved, with the one thing that he could love forever, his family.

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