Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"A Whole New World"

Oh right . . . wrong movie. However, Maria does find herself in a whole new world. Ever scince the children's mother passed away, Captain Von Trapp runs his house as he does his ship, the first rule is discipline. And with her she brings to the Von Trapp ship her own "rare and wonderful new world of indigestion." The playful Maria was not expecting the "psycho discipline ship" that she found in the Von Trapp household. However, not one of the Von Trapp's is ready for what they receive with Maria. Though the Captain runs a tight ship, Maria is not the tad bit opposed to speaking her voice. She finds herself in a new world, but acts only as herself. My greatest admiration of frau lign Maria is her inability to be phased by the opinions and reactions of others. Everything is run by the man, the captain, but Maria is not afraid of him. She speaks up neumerous times with witty remarks that catch the Captain off guard. "Whistles are for dogs and cats and other animals but not for children and certainly not for me." The captain nor the children have experienced someone quite like her and while the children grow fond of her, the Captain grows unhappy. Dun, dun, dun. Good luck Maria! "

1 comment:

  1. Greetings-
    I liked the Aladdin reference. I think you might want to continue to enhance this idea of how the "music" present helps to new world to the Von Trapps (spelling). What does this world show us? What is this world that became apparent with the rise of Hitler? Keep thinking about how Maria is a force of Eros and Hitler and the Nazis is a force of Thanatos.
    Keep blogging. It's working for you.
